class numfi(numpy.ndarray)

This class is inherited from numpy.ndarray, and add some attributes and methods to support fixed-point arithmetic. It's properties and methods are mimic Matlab's fi class, make porting code between Matlab and Python easier.(An easy trick is import numfi as fi)

Create new numfi object

numfi(array=[], s=1, w=16, f=None, RoundingMethod='Nearest', OverflowAction='Saturate', FullPrecision=True, like=None)
  • array: (int/float/list/numpy.ndarray/numfi), default:[]

    Create a numfi object based on array. array will be passed to np.asarray, so it can be any vaild input of np.asarray.
    If array is numfi object and like is not defined, will use array as template like

  • s: any, default:1

    signed or not, will be evaluate as a 0 for unsigned or 1 for signed

  • w: int, default:16

    bits of word, must be positive integer

  • f: int, default:None

    bits of fraction. If f=None, numfi will use the maximal percision that fit array. (which means allocating as many bits as possible to fraction bits of entire word without overflow, this may lead to negative f and i). Negative f and i are also supported like Matlab, see fixed-point arithmetic for details.

  • RoundingMethod: str, default:'Nearest'

    How to round floating point value to integer, method name is same as Matlab's.

  • 'Nearest', 'Round', 'Convergent': use np.round(), round towards nearest integer

  • 'Floor': use np.floor(), round towards negative infinity
  • 'Ceiling': use np.ceil(), round towards to positive infinity
  • 'Zero': use astype(np.int64), round towards zero

  • OverflowAction: str, default:'Saturate'

    How to deal with overflow during quantization.

  • 'Wrap': overflow/underflow will wrap to opposite side

  • 'Saturate': overflow/underflow will saturate at max/min value possible
  • 'Error': raise OverflowError when overflow happens.   

  • like: numfi / None, default:None

    create new numfi from template like. if both keywords arguments and template like are given, new argument will have following priority: keywords > template(like) > default

  • FullPrecision: bool, default:True

    if FullPrecision is False, word bits and fraction bits will not grow during fixed-point arithmetic, otherwise both will grow to keep full result precision. For details see fixed-point arithmetic


x = numfi(1)
x = numfi([1,2,3],1,16,8)
x = numfi(np.arange(100),0,22,11,RoundingMethod='Floor',OverflowAction='Saturate')
y = numfi(np.zeros((3,3)),like=x)

numfi class properities

  • s, w, f, RoundingMethod, OverflowAction, FullPrecision
    correspoding attributes in numfi object creation. See above for details.
    Note: these properities are read only, creat new numfi object with new properities if you need change them

  • i the integer bits of numfi object, i = w - s - f.

  • ndarray
    the "raw" form of a numfi object, and the content stored in memory. numfi.ndarray is a 'view' of itself with type numpy.ndarray

  • int
    the integer representation of numfi object, a numpy.ndarray with dtype=np.int64

  • double / data the float representation of numfi object, a numpy.ndarray with dtype=np.float64. * numfi.precision = numfi.double

  • bin / bin_
    the binary str representation('0' and '1') of numfi object, a numpy.ndarray with dtype=str,
    numpy.bin_ add additional radix point between integer and fraction bits, and 'x' for placeholder if needed(when f < 0 or i < 0).

  • hex / oct / dec the hex/oct/dec str representation of numfi object.

  • upper / lower
    the upper / lower bound of numfi object based on currently word/fraction bits setting

  • precision
    the smallest step of numfi object, equal to 2**-f

numfi class method

  • base_repr(self, base=2, frac_point=False)
    convert numfi's integer representation( to base string representation. numfi.bin/bin_/hex/oct/dec call this method

Static Method

  • do_rounding(iarray, RoundingMethod) Round iarray to integer with various method, see RoundingMethod above. iarray is equal to float_array * 2**f, means integer repesenatation of float_array

  • do_overflow(iarray, s, w, f, OverflowAction) Do OverflowAction if iarray overflow, see OverflowAction above.

  • get_best_precision(x, s, w) Find maximal fraction bits for given data x with certain bit width s and w.